We’ve had a lot of fun at other conventions with the Nerd & Tie Expo 2016 Roadshow, but as the con looms closer, it’s time to bring things to a close. That doesn’t mean that we can’t enjoy our last outing though! This weekend we’ll be making our final stop at Geek.kon at the Madison Marriott West, just outside Madison, WI.
This will be your last chance to Preregister for the Nerd & Tie Expo at our Roadshow price, so don’t miss this last opportunity. Of course, as preregistration closes on Sunday, even if you can’t make it to Geek.kon, you should still make sure you take care of that.
Besides our Roadshow table, we’ll also be doing a live version of our podcast, several panels, and the final episode of Otaku Tonight — so you should make sure you come on down. It’ll be a good time.
The Nerd & Tie Expo Amazing Roadshow Deluxe Experience 2000TM is making its next stop in Green Bay, WI this weekend. That’s right, we’re winding our way to Kitsune Kon at the Ki Convention Center.
Trae, Nick and other members of our team will be there to preregister you for the Nerd & Tie Expo, give you high fives, and be awesome in general.
It’ll be a great time!
So we know it’s a bit late to say this, but right now the Nerd & Tie Expo Super Awesome Road Show TeamTM is at 2D Con in Bloomington, MN! If you come to the con, you’ll find our fine folks manning an ambassador table — and you can preregister!
Pher is there, so make sure you say hello! It’s a fun convention, we’re fun people, and in this great big universe, what else could you ask for?
I mean, besides pie. We all want pie as well.
The roadshow will be hitting Anime Central this weekend in Rosemont, IL. The road show team will be setting up in the Convention Row of the Exhibit Hall at table CT14! Here’s where that is exactly:

So come on down, hang out, and pre-register for the Nerd & Tie Expo! I promise it’ll be a good time.
The Nerd & Tie Expo Road Show TeamTM is packing up and heading to the Wisconsin Dells tomorrow for No Brand Con 2016! Nick, Pher, Trae and most of the Nerd & Tie Expo team are going to be there, and you can find them at our table in the Ambassador Alley.
What can you do at our amazing table of great justice? Why register for the Nerd & Tie Expo of course! I mean, that was kind of obvious, but still.
We love No Brand Con here at the Nerd & Tie Expo, and we hope to see you there. Besides the table, Trae, Nick and Pher are all doing panels, and we’ve posted a handy dandy list over on the Nerd & Tie blog. So be here, or… be somewhere else I guess?
We promising that being here is more fun though.
Hey Nerd & Tie fans in the Twin Cities and greater Minnesota realms, this weekend Nick and Pher will be hitting Anime Fusion in Bloomington, MN. You’ll find them both at the Nerd & Tie Expo Roadshow Table (where you can preregister for or donate to the event), along with some of our Expo staff.
Both Nick and Pher are doing their standard slew of panels with Otaku Tonight Productions, but they also will be hosting the Anime Fusion Cosplay Contest… which is, y’know, really neat.
So come out, say hi, prereg for the Nerd & Tie Expo if you feel like it, and have an awesome convention with us!
Well I say “us,” but I (Trae) won’t be there. But I wish I could be. Everyone have an awesome time for me, okay?
Reminder: We’re still running an Indiegogo Campaign for the Nerd & Tie Expo. You can find it here! It’s super awesome.
Eau Claire, WI's Newest Geek Convention – September 23-25, 2016